My apologies to all of my readers, I have been slacking in my blog posts for the last three weeks! A big reason for my slacking was that we have been without a functioning computer. This problem has now been resolved, thanks to an early Christmas present. :) So what has been going on in the Cone family over the last few weeks?
Thanks to the constant change in weather--one day cold, the next hot--both kiddos have had colds! We have gotten used to Brady having allergies and colds over the past two plus years, but having an infant with a cold is a different story. When you hear the nasal congestion in a little one whose only way to breathe is through their nose, it is very scary! Immediately, I get concerned about RSV-which Brady had when he was six months old. On Tuesday, I took Aubrey to the pediatrician and she checked out fine--just congested and she told us to use the bulb syringe and saline nasal drops. She is up to a whopping 9 lbs, 13 ozs.! I take her next Monday for her two month check-up and the fun shots that go along with it...poor baby! She still has her fussy time at night around dinner time, but I think the reflux has gotten under control.
We are continuing to go back and forth with the potty training for Brady. We have not been overly consistent about it, but he does use the potty almost every night before his bath! I know that boys take a lot longer to PT, so we are taking our time with it.
I head back to work a week from this Wednesday (October 19th) and I am very sad about leaving my little girl behind. It is going to be very hard for me to say goodbye to her (and Brady) when the time comes to go back to work. I am excited to see all of my friends at school, but am not ready to have such little time at home with my kiddos in the evenings and weekends. I hate to think about missing any smiles and future giggles. I love my kids very much and wish that I could be home with them all the time, but I also want to be able to give them the world and it takes two incomes to do that.
I would like to give a special shout-out to my friend and fellow blogger, Kristen, who is due to have her baby girl any time. KVH-I wish you the best of luck and cannot wait to meet Baby MVH. You are going to be an awesome Mommy! <3