It was with a touch of sadness, but a lot of excitement that Chris and I made the decision at the beginning of December for me to resign my assistant teacher position at Andrews Academy, in order to stay home with our own kids. We decided that in order for me to stay home with the kids, that we still would need an additional income coming in to help with the mortgage, bills, etc. When we discussed this, we discussed the idea of me watching other kids in our home, giving birth to the idea of Coney Care Childcare, LLC.
Coney Care Childcare, LLC is my small, clean, insured, four-day a week, curriculum-based, in-home childcare that I run out of my home in my basement that is set up like a preschool. I am having a lot of fun with the kiddos that I hang out with four days a week. I watch three kiddos on Mondays, one on Tuesdays, three on Wednesdays and two on Fridays. Brady is in school on Mondays and Wednesdays, so it is Aubrey and I three days a week. Thursdays are my "free" days when it is me and my kiddos-which I love!
It is a wonderful career move for me and these kiddos all wear me out! :)
If you, or someone you know, are looking for the above in the fall, please let me know. I will have some openings. Thanks!
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