Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Rotavirus (aka Roto-Rooter) and Our Easter Bunnies!

Brady had started not feeling well during my last blog post and by not feeling well, I mean that the poor little man could not keep anything in him--it went right through him. It was messy and nasty, but I am glad that I got a lot of snuggle time in with him. On Saturday night, we took him to the pediatric ER just to make sure that he wasn't dehydrated and to confirm that it was in fact Rotavirus. You would have thought that we had brought a well child to the ER with how Brady was bouncing off the walls and he was extremely polite to the nurses, doctor and medical student who came in to listen to him and check him out--telling them all "thank you." Unfortunately with Rotavirus, it's a waiting game and you can't give little ones anything-other than Pedialyte to help restore electrolytes and prepare to change a lot of awful diapers--these were the worst I have ever seen/smelled. THANK GOD he is finally feeling better after five days of it and we are glad to have our sweet, playful Brady back!

Friday night, Chris and I were able to get out of the house for a little while and went to dinner and a movie with Nathan and Meg. The movie was very funny! We saw "American Reunion"-the finale to the "American Pie" series of funny, yet gross flicks. It was really nice having a double date with them, and getting to go out with my hubby! Date nights are few and far between these days and it makes us very excited for our upcoming trip to Chi-town.

Since our little guy was not feeling well, we had to forgo church this Easter weekend. We had big plans of going to church and an Easter egg hunt/BBQ following at church on Saturday, but things don't always work out the way you would like them to work out. On Sunday late morning, we went to my parents for Easter brunch and an egg hunt for B. It was a nice, laid back Easter (spent mostly outside) and we enjoyed a family nap when we got home.

 I don't think that I have mentioned this yet, but Spring is my second favorite season-next to Fall! We have been very lucky this year that our Winter was extremely Spring-like and our Spring has started out beautifully. We have spent at least a little time outside every day and have loved it!

Last night, Chris put up the baby swing on our playground set and we pushed Aubrey in it for the first time and she seemed to get a big kick out it. Brady enjoyed playing soccer and baseball with Chris outside. We were able to get some really cute pics from Chris's phone-since of course my camera battery died just as I was starting to take some shots.

Brady returned to school today and I took Aubrey to the J, while I took a Yoga class. I LOVE IT! I feel incredible after I get out of these classes and Friday I am taking Cardio Ballet Barre! I was supposed to go to it last Friday, but was taking care of a sick kiddo. He's going to school again tomorrow and then I am taking B and A to The Magic House on Friday!!! I am really looking forward to it! :) Talking with a friend, we may take the kids to the zoo next week-depending on how warm it is outside. Alright, I need to go feed Brady and Aubrey (Chris isn't feeling well now--I am hoping that he doesn't have the Roto-Rooter virus!!)

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