Saturday, September 17, 2011

Trial and Error

Today we took our lovely lil' Aubrey to the pediatrician for her one month check-up! I can't believe it has already been over a month! For all of my prego and new mommy friends--treasure every moment, before you know it your baby will be a crazy, active two year old! :) Here are her previous stats:

8/13/11 (Birth): 7 lbs, 9.3 ozs, 20.5 inches long, 14 cm head circumference
8/17/11 (Newborn first appt at Dr.'s office): 6 lbs., 14 ozs
8/26/11 (2 week check-up): 6 lbs., 15 ozs
8/31/11: 7 lbs., 9 ozs
9/17/11:  9 lbs, 5 ozs, 22 inches long, 15.5 cm head circumference

That means in a little over two weeks time, Miss Aubrey has gained close to two pounds! WOW! :) Baby girl is a-growin'! This is wonderful, but it also means that her little tummy/digestive system has not caught up yet--which the doctor was able to tell by listening to her guts. The pediatrician has asked us to try a few things before we start on infant Zantac for reflux. He gave us two sample cans of Nutramigen to try temporarily to help in the digestive process and has also told us to give her half of a teaspoon of Maalox four times a day and if the Maalox works they will start the Zantac. He said after we get her digestive system back on track that we should be able to go back to the Gentlease since Nutramigen is VERY expensive! Hopefully we are on the right track! It is all about trial and error with these little ones.

After our trip to the pediatrician, we picked Brady up from Uncle Buzz and Aunt Meggie's, in Kirkwood, we decided to go to the Greentree Festival Parade and then the Greentree Festival. Brady enjoyed his first Tootsie Roll and DumDum sucker! :) He has recently started with a fear of loud noises and when the marching bands, police motorcade, ambulances and firetrucks came through- he was a little freaked out!

After the parade we headed to Kirkwood Park for the Greentree Festival and enjoyed walking around and enjoying the sights and sounds of the festival. Mommy and Daddy enjoyed an adult refreshment (wine for me and beer for Chris) and gyros, while our little dude enjoyed a hot dog.

After a loooooong day that began around 3 a.m.-ish we are looking forward to a Saturday evening and Sunday of NOTHING!!!  :)1



Friday, September 16, 2011

Sleep-Who needs it?

When having a child...or two, you learn to give up things that you once could not live without! When you are pregnant there are dietary (and liquid) sacrifices that you make-it is similar when you little one finally enters the world. While your body prepares you during pregnancy by not allowing you to sleep as soundly, having a crying baby in your house (or in our room in this case) doesn't even compare.

Having been a mommy for the last two years, you would think that I would know the tricks of the trade and I don't! I remember when Brady was born and everyone told me to "sleep when he sleeps!" Well, that never happened and two years later with the arrival of Aubrey--that still isn't happening!

When my kiddos nap, my mind races about everything that needs to be done! Is the laundry finished? The dishes need to be unloaded/loaded. There is more laundry to do (it's never ending!) Oh, the baby announcements and Baptism invitations came in the mail--I need to address them, more dishes, folding laundry, etc., etc., ad nauseum. It's crazy! I wish that I could shut my mind off for a twenty minute nap, but it doesn't wok that way for me.

The hard part about when I am running around the house like a crazy person when Aubrey (and Brady when he is not in school) are napping is that I want to crash at like 8 p.m.

In the last month since Aubrey was born I have started drinking plain, ol' regular coffee in the morning to help me function. Previously, the only coffee that I was interested in was of the fancy Starbucks espresso-variety (although an occasional pumpkin spice doesn't hurt!).  Coffee definitely helps me get though the day!

Aubrey's current schedule is her final feeding before "bed time" is at around 11:00, then she gets up about 2:00, and then around 5:00 or 5:30. Well, last night she ate at 11:00 and then slept until 4:30! This was after close to an hour straight of crying and drawing her legs up.

Tomorrow we take Aubrey to the doctor for her one month check-up. I am anxious for this appointment because our little sweetie is still having quite a few tummy issues. She continues to be very gassy/fussy/colicky and has started having stools that are a little more firm than I think they should be (like a little ball). She also grunts a lot and sounds like she is always straining to pass gas and stool. I hope that we are able to get some answers and although I know we are probably going to have to change her formula again, I really don't want to because I think that making changes like that can upset her tummy even more. I will post her one month stats at some point tomorrow! :) Wish us luck!


Thursday, September 8, 2011

In Remembrance...

I would like to dedicate this posting to the Heroes of 9/11:

It is difficult to think that the tenth anniversary of 9/11 is quickly approaching this Sunday. This week, as I look at my beautiful little girl and think about how thankful her Daddy and I are to have her and her handsome big brother in our lives, I have been doing a lot of reflecting.

So many innocent people became heroes on that day. The NYPD, NYFD, the passengers of United Airlines Flight 93, the passengers of American Airlines Flight 77, the individuals who were able to get people out of the WTC buildings and Pentagon and the people who wanted to get out to see their own loved ones, but who were not able to. I think that this horrific tragedy taught us how precious life is and how important it is to hug and love the ones that we are with and to thank God every day for blessing us with family and friends.

It is difficult for me to think about how our post-9/11 world, the world that my children will grow up in varies so differently from the world that I grew up in. Although, I think that 9/11 caused many of us to grow up a lot faster. I will always remember walking a loved one to the gate as they were getting ready to head off on their next journey, and my children will be forced to wave goodbye from a distance. It makes me sad to think about how much things have changed, but at the same time I want my children to be safe and will do anything in my power to have them feel secure.

In my reflections, I have been thinking about what I was doing at the time of 9/11.

On 9/11/01, I was a sophomore at The University of Tulsa and Chris and I had been dating for just over six months.  I was living upstairs in the Delta Gamma house. I remember getting out of the shower and brushing my teeth. As I was brushing my teeth, I walked over to my suite mates, Lauren Bamberger and Laura Hink's room and saw the TV. I was in utter and complete shock, and felt to best describe it...numb. It took a little while to really process what had happened and how our world was going to change and continues to change to this day. Even from as far away as Tulsa, OK...I remember calling those I love to make sure that they were okay.

While I feel my life is moving very fast, I now have a wonderful husband (the same guy I had been dating on 9/11/01 for six months) and two beautiful children, I know that for the families of the individuals who lost their lives on that day, time has stood still. As difficult as the past ten years have been for them and for a country that continues to heal, I hope that we are able to reflect on how these individuals really are the heroes of our county--not actors, actresses, musicians or other media figures, but these individuals and the servicemen and servicewomen who continue to fight for our freedom on a daily basis. God Bless you all and God Bless the U.S.A.

Where were you on 9/11? 


When I began this blog, I told myself that I wanted to be completely upfront and honest with its readers-because I feel that you all deserve this! The last few weeks since Aubrey's birth have been a great time of transitions at the Cone house.

TRANSITION 1--1+1+1+1=4

We have gone from it being just the two of us, until June of 2009, where Chris and I have been able to equally share Brady in playtime, bathing, etc., to learning an entirely new parenting game of trying to figure out how to have enough time to play with and entertain Brady, feed, bathe and care for Aubrey, make sure Brady isn't trying to pick her up and carry her around the house :) and still try to manage to have a little time for the original family members-one another. This is extremely tough and unfortunately with two little kiddos, the original family members, C & S, get put on the back burner. There seriously aren't enough hours in the day and when you are sleep depived--it doesn't help! If you have had a child, I'm sure you can relate and just remember to give one another space and take turns with feedings, when you are able to. Always remember to tell one another that you love them, also.  I LOVE YOU, CHRIS! :)


Having a baby does a lot to the mommy (and daddy, too!). Your body goes from having an overabundance of hormones to trying to rid itself of a lot of the hormones for weeks following childbirth, in addition to not getting nearly the sleep that you were once used to--don't worry this too shall pass!    This transition can make the mommy sad (and daddy, too, sometimes!)

I struggled with Baby Blues and then a little PPD following Brady's birth. I didn't realize when I was pregnant with Brady that I would become so incredibly attached to having this little guy growing inside me that I would be so sad after I gave birth and that I now had to share him with everyone else and didn't get him all for myself :). When Aubrey was born, I knew in my mind that I may be prone to BB/PPD (being an anxiety-prone individual, doesn't help!), but just wanted to take everything one day at a time. The weeks leading up to this point have been emotional and I have been teary, but I feel that things are beginning to even out a little bit. I now know that there are many different professional resources (and great mommy girl friends help out too!) out there for moms that need the extra help.

TRANSITION 3--Maternity to Sweats to Your Favorite Jeans

Ahhh! I am in the process of transitioning my closet and it is a pain! I have packed up all of my maternity clothes, which makes me sad since I don't know if and when I will break them out again. For the mommies who read my blog, you know how comfy these clothes are! I currently have (on the floor in my room, staring at me, "fold me"..."hang me up"...) clothes that I refer to as my post-partum clothes (a few sizes bigger than my pre-pregnancy size) and then my pre-pregnancy clothes.

I have started walking in the park and at the mall, but am excited to start being able to work out in about two more weeks. Chris and I are excited to start the "Insanity" work-out plan together. I have a feeling that these work-outs are going to be our dates for a little while!  I am happy that some of my pre-pregnancy clothes are already starting to fit-three weeks later! :)

I have another few incentives, other than wanting to be healthy, for wanting this baby weight to go away quickly---turning 30 in January and Nathan and Meg's wedding in June! Alright, the clothes are starting to give me the evil eye...I guess they aren't going to fold and hang themselves.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Bottles, Bottles Everywhere!

When I mentioned that every child is different on one of my previous postings...I meant it! When we introduced Brady to bottles as a newborn we began with the Playtex Drop-Ins and he was not a fan! After a few different recommendations we decided to try the VentAire bottles and he loved them! They were a perfect fit for him. Now, with our little lady and her sensitive tummy we tried the VentAire and noticed that she was still taking in a lot of air and it was not helping with her tummy aches.  This time we decided to try the Dr. Brown's Natural Flow bottles that really keep the air from getting to the baby. She seems to really like them and I have noticed a difference!!! I am hoping (after journeying to the store today to buy an additional six-4 oz. bottles) that she continues to like them!!

Our little Aubrey is not the most "regular" baby, which I think may be partially due to her diet being switched a few times at such a young age. While most babies are supposed to go about four to six times a day, we usually get one, maybe two from her. This brings me to my next topic...BABY MASSAGE! I have started to massage her back and tummy and to stretch out her legs when she seems that she is getting uncomfortable. When I do this, it is almost instantaneous! LOL! I never knew I could have that effect on a person. :)

I hope that everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend (and if you know of anyone interested in trying the Playtex Drop-Ins or VentAires, please let me know!)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Do they look alike?

Chris and I are convinced that Brady and Aubrey look a lot alike! What do you think?

Mommy needs her mouth washed out with soap...

It slipped my mind earlier in the week that Brady would be home from school today (Friday) due to a teacher in-service day, and we didn't have many options for lunch. When I asked B what he would like for lunch he said "pips," his word for tortilla chips--this kid loves chips and salsa! At first I considered venturing out with Brady and Aubrey to Chevy's, but then after talking to Chris--he suggested going Taco Bell instead. Now, we are not big proponents of fast food and definitely are very much anti-fast food for kiddos. However, when you have a hungry toddler, a newborn, are the only one over two and don't have much food in the house you don't have a lot of options.  So onward we ventured to Taco Bell. After ordering our lunch and receiving the total amount I began to pull forward reaching around for my wallet. Where was it?
In the cupholder--NO!
In the console--NO!
In the side pocket on the driver's side--NO!
Back by the kiddos--NO!

"Dammit!" I said loudly, and in the backseat my sweet little darling boy said "Dammit!" I tried not to laugh because I could feel my temperature rising as I continued searching...and then I felt MY WALLET in my pocket. This situation is one of many instances in the last three weeks where I have had major memory lapses or what is commonly referred to as "mommy brain." They say it goes from "pregnancy brain", to "mommy brain" to "senior moments." I know it was bad when I had Brady, but this time I think it may be a little worse. Time to break out the St. John's Wort!!!

Having a (Second) Baby Changes Everything!

I'm sure everyone is familiar with the phrase "Having a baby changes everything." You think that it only applies to the first baby. This is absolutely not true! While there are in most cases two people to take care of the first child, when you have a second it becomes one-on-one, and is much more of a juggling act. Another thing that I have recently come to realize is that not all children are alike and while it is difficult, you cannot compare them.

I'm sure like a lot of newer parents you feel like because your one child ate/behaved in certain ways that all of your children will. This is not true! Let's jump back a few years. When our amazing son, Brady was born 26 months ago he would not breastfeed (latch), so I spent the first month of his life pumping and supplementing with formula. Brady was our big little guy from the beginning. He was 8 lbs., 7 ozs. when he was born and gained 3 ounces by his first pediatrician's appointment (four days after his birth) and was a very content and happy newborn. This was the model that I was used to in terms of being a mommy. Let's move on to our newest addition.

Our sweet lil' Aubrey was born August 13th and weighed 7 lbs., 9 ozs. when she was born. I decided this time that I really wanted to try the breastfeeding thing again and she was actually latching, which B-Man never did. When we took her to the pediatrician four days after she was born she had dropped to 6 lbs., 14 ozs. You can imagine how upset this baby bluesy Mommy was hearing that her little sweetheart had lost so much weight. The pediatrician reassured us that this was completely normal and to continue doing what we were doing and that she should be back at her birth weight by her two week appointment. This brings us to last Friday, when we took our lil' girl to the doctor she had only gained one ounce. Once again, I was VERY sad and upset. I felt like such a failure to not have been providing my daughter with what she needs to thrive. The pediatrician told us to supplement with formula and we began supplementing expressed breast milk with formula. When I took her to the pediatrician's office for a weigh-in and for some tummy/gassiness/fussiness/colic issues we were having this past Wednesday she was back at her birth weight!  She is now on sensitive formula until her tummy figures things out.

While I am a strong advocate for breastfeeding and think that this important for the moms who really want to do it...I have realized how difficult it is to pump, make formula bottles and try to entertain/play with a two year old and after seeing how well our son did with formula, we have made the switch and I can already tell her tummy is noticing the difference with just using the sensitive formula and getting a lot of TLC. The bottom line when it comes to breastfeeding or giving formula--don't let anyone make you feel pressured to breastfeed-I've done it to myself twice now and it makes life that much more stressful. You want to be calm, because if you're stressed your little guy or gal will be stressed and you need to enjoy one another.


Welcome to Our Family Blog!

The time has come for the Cone Family to enter the Blog age. With so much of our family out of town, it is important for us to have a medium of showing them/telling them of what is going on in our expanding little family. With a newborn and a two year old, we are constantly on the go, go, go and will try to make postings as often as we are able. We hope that you will enjoy reading the blog and seeing pictures!

Another purpose of this blog is for me (Sarah) to share mommyhood information with moms-to-be and other mommies. This blog will give me a forum to be upfront and honest about the WONDERFUL, the great, the good, the bad and the ugly aspects of mommyhood. I am hoping that Chris will also make some postings about daddyhood as well!

We hope that you enjoy!

C, S, B & A