Friday, September 16, 2011

Sleep-Who needs it?

When having a child...or two, you learn to give up things that you once could not live without! When you are pregnant there are dietary (and liquid) sacrifices that you make-it is similar when you little one finally enters the world. While your body prepares you during pregnancy by not allowing you to sleep as soundly, having a crying baby in your house (or in our room in this case) doesn't even compare.

Having been a mommy for the last two years, you would think that I would know the tricks of the trade and I don't! I remember when Brady was born and everyone told me to "sleep when he sleeps!" Well, that never happened and two years later with the arrival of Aubrey--that still isn't happening!

When my kiddos nap, my mind races about everything that needs to be done! Is the laundry finished? The dishes need to be unloaded/loaded. There is more laundry to do (it's never ending!) Oh, the baby announcements and Baptism invitations came in the mail--I need to address them, more dishes, folding laundry, etc., etc., ad nauseum. It's crazy! I wish that I could shut my mind off for a twenty minute nap, but it doesn't wok that way for me.

The hard part about when I am running around the house like a crazy person when Aubrey (and Brady when he is not in school) are napping is that I want to crash at like 8 p.m.

In the last month since Aubrey was born I have started drinking plain, ol' regular coffee in the morning to help me function. Previously, the only coffee that I was interested in was of the fancy Starbucks espresso-variety (although an occasional pumpkin spice doesn't hurt!).  Coffee definitely helps me get though the day!

Aubrey's current schedule is her final feeding before "bed time" is at around 11:00, then she gets up about 2:00, and then around 5:00 or 5:30. Well, last night she ate at 11:00 and then slept until 4:30! This was after close to an hour straight of crying and drawing her legs up.

Tomorrow we take Aubrey to the doctor for her one month check-up. I am anxious for this appointment because our little sweetie is still having quite a few tummy issues. She continues to be very gassy/fussy/colicky and has started having stools that are a little more firm than I think they should be (like a little ball). She also grunts a lot and sounds like she is always straining to pass gas and stool. I hope that we are able to get some answers and although I know we are probably going to have to change her formula again, I really don't want to because I think that making changes like that can upset her tummy even more. I will post her one month stats at some point tomorrow! :) Wish us luck!



  1. Aw, poor little Aubrey! I hope that her tummy issues start to go away and that you get some sleep!

  2. I hope the appointment goes well and you get some answers. I will be thinking of you!
